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#Stratis sheath. Do you want German? Here is the caleur, the waiter, kellner; the hers, the master, herzog (duke). Do you wan
제목 #Stratis sheath. Do you want German? Here is the caleur, the waiter, kellner; the hers, the master, herzog (duke). Do you wan
작성자 sdfewf (ip:)
  • 작성일 2022-10-02 17:38:53
  • 추천 추천 하기
  • 조회수 8
  • 평점 0점

#Stratis sheath. Do you want German? Here is the caleur, the waiter, kellner; the hers, the master, herzog (duke). Do you want Latin? Here is frangir, to break, frangere; affurer, to steal, fur; cadene, chain, catena. There is one word which crops up in every language of the continent, with a sort of mysterious power and authority. It is the word magnus; the Scotch- man makes of it his mac, which designates the chief of the clan; Mac-Farlane, Mac-Callumore, the great Farlane, the great Callumore[41]; slang turns it into meck and later le meg, that is to say, God. Would you like Basque? Here is gahisto, the devil, which comes from gaiztoa, evil; sorga- bon, good night, which comes from gabon, good evening. Do you want Celtic? Here is blavin, a handkerchief, which comes from blavet, gushing water; menesse, a woman (in a bad sense), which comes from meinec, full of stones; ba- rant, brook, from baranton, fountain; goffeur, locksmith, from goff, blacksmith; guedouze, death, which comes from guenn-du, black-white. Finally, would you like history? Slang calls crowns les malteses, a souvenir of the coin in circulation on the galleys of Malta. 야한속옷명기의증명섹시속옷명기의증명오나홀남자성기콘돔사용법섹스기구 여자정조대섹스기구 자위기구리얼돌리얼돌자위기구칙칙이여자성기텐가포항성인용품자위용품핫젤섹스용품동래구성인용품성인기구러브돌SM목줄토이스토리코스모스 명기의증명퓨어성인도구반려기구여성딜도성인용품점애널용품남자진동기자위도구남구성인용품섹스기구 코스모스영등포구성인용품sm도구사정지연우머나이저섹스용품 섹스인형성기구성인용품코스튬의상콕링레드컨테이너 ddd eee fff

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