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#BitpandaEcosystem ing is stranger than these words which both mask and reveal. Some, le rabouin, for example, are
제목 #BitpandaEcosystem ing is stranger than these words which both mask and reveal. Some, le rabouin, for example, are
작성자 sdfewf (ip:)
  • 작성일 2022-10-02 17:41:06
  • 추천 추천 하기
  • 조회수 10
  • 평점 0점

#BitpandaEcosystem ing is stranger than these words which both mask and reveal. Some, le rabouin, for example, are at the same time grotesque and terrible, and produce on you the effect of a cyclopean grimace. In the second place, metaphor. The peculiarity of a lan- guage which is desirous of saying all yet concealing all is that it is rich in figures. Metaphor is an enigma, wherein the thief who is plotting a stroke, the prisoner who is arrang- ing an escape, take refuge. No idiom is more metaphorical than slang: devisser le coco (to unscrew the nut), to twist the neck; tortiller (to wriggle), to eat; etre gerbe, to be tried; a rat, a bread thief; il lansquine, it rains, a striking, ancient figure which partly bears its date about it, which assimi- lates long oblique lines of rain, with the dense and slanting pikes of the lancers, and which compresses into a single word the popular expression: it rains halberds. Sometimes, in proportion as slang progresses from the first epoch to the second, words pass from the primitive and savage sense to the metaphorical sense. The devil ceases to be le rabouin, 1666 흥분젤딜도자위도구용인성인용품몰여자딜도섹스기구섹스기구칙칙이성인 사가미0토이스토리삽입딜도딜도여성딜도여자딜도성기확대리얼돌편의점콘돔리얼돌흡입진동기딜도오니홀딜도음경확장기리얼돌반려기구코스모스러브제리남성진동기코코메디리얼돌섹스도구돌기형콘돔모텔콘돔섹스용품코끼리팬티여자용품입욕젤 패들야한속옷여성오르가즘남성성인용품샵음경확대핑거돔섹시속옷전신 리얼돌페로몬우머나이저성인코코메디 ddd eee fff

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