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#PAXGold he had had a pinch of the great Frederick’s snuff on the tip of his thumb, and hurled this indignant apostrophe full
제목 #PAXGold he had had a pinch of the great Frederick’s snuff on the tip of his thumb, and hurled this indignant apostrophe full
작성자 sdfewf (ip:)
  • 작성일 2022-10-02 16:32:13
  • 추천 추천 하기
  • 조회수 5
  • 평점 0점

#PAXGold he had had a pinch of the great Frederick’s snuff on the tip of his thumb, and hurled this indignant apostrophe full in the baker’s face:— ‘Keksekca?’ Those of our readers who might be tempted to espy in this interpellation of Gavroche’s to the baker a Russian or a Polish word, or one of those savage cries which the Yoways and the Botocudos hurl at each other from bank to bank of a river, athwart the solitudes, are warned that it is a word which they [our readers] utter every day, and which takes the place of the phrase: ‘Qu’est-ce que c’est que cela?’ The baker understood perfectly, and replied:— ‘Well! It’s bread, and very good bread of the second qual- ity.’ ‘You mean larton brutal [black bread]!’ retorted Gavro- che, calmly and coldly disdainful. ‘White bread, boy! white bread [larton savonne]! I’m standing treat.’ The baker could not repress a smile, and as he cut the white bread he surveyed them in a compassionate way which shocked Gavroche. 성인도구SM목줄자위도구여성기구아스트로글레이드리얼돌ASTROGLIDE춘천성인용품오나홀명기의증명명기의증명자위용품애널기구오나홀성인용품점섹스용품 텐가자위도구부르르 리얼돌리얼돌애널도구텐가성인용품후방주의섹시코스프레풀타임성용품자위기구오나홀섹시슬립섹스도구리얼돌아스트로글레이드여자성기사가미0러브돌우머나이저자위도구섹스기구성인기구명기의증명섹스용품 코스튬의상남자성인용품성도구마포구성인용품자위기구재갈반려도구 ddd eee fff

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