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#Flux these societies have been saved? Was it their fault? Did they persist in the fatal vice which destroyed them? What is t
제목 #Flux these societies have been saved? Was it their fault? Did they persist in the fatal vice which destroyed them? What is t
작성자 sdfewf (ip:)
  • 작성일 2022-10-02 18:01:12
  • 추천 추천 하기
  • 조회수 8
  • 평점 0점

#Flux these societies have been saved? Was it their fault? Did they persist in the fatal vice which destroyed them? What is the amount of suicide in these terrible deaths of a nation and a race? Questions to which there exists no reply. Darkness enwraps condemned civilizations. They sprung a leak, then they sank. We have nothing more to say; and it is with a sort of terror that we look on, at the bottom of that sea which is called the past, behind those colossal waves, at the ship- wreck of those immense vessels, Babylon, Nineveh, Tarsus, Thebes, Rome, beneath the fearful gusts which emerge from all the mouths of the shadows. But shadows are there, and light is here. We are not acquainted with the maladies of these ancient civilizations, we do not know the infirmi- ties of our own. Everywhere upon it we have the right of light, we contemplate its beauties, we lay bare its defects. Where it is ill, we probe; and the sickness once diagnosed, the study of the cause leads to the discovery of the remedy. Our civilization, the work of twenty centuries, is its law and its prodigy; it is worth the trouble of saving. It will be saved. It is already much to have solaced it; its enlightenment is yet 섹스기구딜도자위기구무선진동기성인기구리얼돌자위도구동구성인용품란제리음경확장기오카모토003몰자위도구진동팬티러브돌섹스도구무인성인용품남성섹시팬티핑거돔 자위용품 사가미0성인리얼돌지스팟자위용품여자진동기실리콘링 남양주성인용품군포성인용품몰자위용품성인용품섹스용품SM기구바이브레이터리얼돌퓨어 자위용품성용품이브콘돔남자성인용품섹스인형우머나이저성인용품점실리콘링 무선진동기경산성인용품샵핸드잡우머나이저피임기구플레이보이애널기구 ddd eee fff

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